Hello Partypoppers,
We have officially passed the halfway point in the NFL season and the question was recently raised : Which NFL team personifies Partypop popcorn? We broke it down by 3 main factors : Spirit, Community, and Creativity. The team which came out on top was the Oakland Raiders! But what do the Raiders and Partypop have in common in these 3 key areas? Let's find out!
Spirit : The Raiders have been known to be a team that is fearless. A true renegade force that looks to upend the traditional and bring something different to the forefront of peoples lives. When Partypop came onto the scene and showed up in front of you at a farmers market, an office, or brewery people went airpopped flavored popcorn? Amplifying every experience and event they're at? This is the epitome of both the Raiders and Partypop which is why for spirit they lie in unison with one another.
Community: Raider Nation! Partypoppers! Both are ever growing, multinational communities that transcend borders and do the most important thing : bring people together in celebration of something incredible. The Raiders fire up their community with hard hitting and touchdowns while Partypop delivers delicious popcorn with amplifying power to make your Partypop! People feel they are a part of something and whether you nod while walking by someone with a Raiders jersey or a fellow person munching down a bag of Partypop there is the knowing that you are a part of something greater than yourself. A community that thrives on empowering each other to greatness. A poppin' people!
Creativity : Partypop began with an idea in a guy's kitchen. An idea that grew and manifested into the delicious popcorn that has swept across San Diego with bold ingenuity. The Raiders started as a second rate team in an upstart league known as the AFL which matured into the Superbowl trophy wielding franchise we know of today. They both began with a dream. A vision. The Raiders creatively built their teams on outcast players and an attitude different than any other team before it. Partypop brings flavors not seen before in the flavored popcorn universe combined in non-frivolous fashion with a unique coconut oil/butter mix to manifest its excellence.
Last but not least people, the Oakland Raiders and Partypop both share a Commitment to Excellence and the community it serves to please.
Mr. Meyrott,
I have been wanting to send this review for a month… I just finished licking the last bit of flavor from my Honey BBQ Partypop bag. How embarrassing you say? nope. Not all.
I even licked my fingers like a 5 year old to taste every last bit of flavor dust.
I am a popcorn connoisseur.
I love it.
I can eat it in the morning… or as a midnight snack.
Popcorn is my favorite snack.
I love your Partypop so much!
it is so delicious…. fresh and full of flavor.
Your packaging is amazing as well. I am also a packaging hound…I make Salted caramels at Christmas and the packaging is always part of my gift. It has to be Q U A L I T Y.
it can never be chintzy…
So not only is your popcorn amazingly delicious, you have also found the perfect packaging. It’s so great. It feels so clean and durable. When Spence first brought home Partypop, the second I felt your bag, I loved how it felt. The bag made me want some more! Spence told me, “I know Mom and it keeps it totally fresh.”
I have been opening that same bag for 2 weeks on and off…and everytime I reopen it….IT’S STILL FRESH. There is nothing that bums out a popcorn lover more than stale popcorn.
I am so stoked I found it.
Keep Crushin’ it,
a true fan. Lainie Carswell